Seven Songs

Richard is somehow finding time to play tag, and with this one I’m glad to play along:

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping your spring. Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they’re listening to.

That’s the sort of challenge I like. So here are my seven:

  1. Qidrechinna (I Am Destined to Love) by Abdel Gadir Salim (listen here). I’ve not ever been big on “world music” but this song is just fantastic.
  2. More Love by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles (listen here). The spring and summer should be filled with songs like this.
  3. Thief by Can (listen here). Like Richard I’ve a bit of a Can habit and have been happily doing the ironing to this song over recent days.
  4. Bottle Rocket by The Go! Team (listen here). The sound of outside.
  5. What She Said by The Cynics (listen here). Garage rock, properly loud and brilliant.
  6. Bridget Bardot by Creature (listen here). Canadians having fun and if they can so can we.
  7. Move On Up by Curtis Mayfield (listen here). Horns and bongos, what more could you want from a spring song.

As always there were at least another 7 songs that have made the list, only to be discarded as the mood changed, and no doubt there’ll be another 7 that I’ll wish I’d picked as soon as I press publish. But these ones are as good a place to start as anywhere.

Throwing on to Bob, Max, Reidski, Oink, Peter, Wulf, and Transpontine.

About Andrew Brown

I live in Lewisham, South East London, and spent 9 years as a Labour councillor in the borough between 1997 and 2006.
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5 Responses to Seven Songs

  1. Pingback: Seven songs « .

  2. OK Andrew, I’ll get on it. (I still haven’t done the household management one mind.)

    Curtis: sublime choice. Abdel Gadir Salim: thanks for introducing me to him.

  3. Bob says:

    Finally done it: Have experimented with posting mp3s as well – don’t know if it’ll work


  4. Transpontine says:

    Thanks Andrew I will have a go at this over the weekend.

  5. Pingback: Seven Spanish Songs for 7 Spanish Wine Styles

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